National Medical Consultants
Consulting Services

Consulting Services/Out-of-Town, Out-of-State, Out-of-Country Consultations
Eating Disorder Treatment is a specialty that often can become complicated and lead to inadequate or inappropriate treatment resulting in poor recovery and frequent relapses. Dr. DeSarbo has been a consultant to families and physicians throughout the world and across the country. Working with other specialists, patients, and their families, Dr. DeSarbo and his team provided assessments and treatment plans for those too far away to see an experienced specialist. Out-of-town consults are usually done through a client’s treatment provider’s request. Initial intakes may be done at Dr. DeSarbo’s office and with scheduled video conferencing to provide face-to-face interaction while bridging the geographical distance. A comprehensive analysis and 20+ page report detailing findings, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations will be provided. Dr. DeSarbo’s office will arrange for all hotel accommodations and transportation.
The Select-180 Program
The Select-180 Program was developed by Dr. Jeffrey DeSarbo for individuals whose position, profession and high-profile require complete discretion and anonymity when it comes to treatment for eating disorders and other psychiatric conditions as well as performance enhancement in business, sports, politics, the arts and entertainment. Consultations and treatment take place at the clients home or preferred location or scheduled during off hours at our New York offices. All initial calls to the program will be referred to Dr. DeSarbo’s personal and private cell phone number for further discussion about scheduling a consultation.
Discretion and privacy is the primary feature of the Select-180 Program and treatment services including psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, and nutritional planning conducted personally with Dr. DeSarbo, Diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and an eating disorder specialist. Dr. DeSarbo’s team of professional specialists are available for a team approach, but only with a client’s request and permission. All records for clients in the Select-180 Program are kept confidential with Dr. DeSarbo, not accessible to other ED-180 staff, and are not a part of the office files.
Due to the privacy and limited availability of this program, suitable candidates must come to the Select Program through referral.
Residence/Business Call Service
For those requiring the highest level of discretion. Available only to very select clients nationally and internationally.
Off-Hour Service
For those who require a high level of discretion and can come to our Garden City, New York offices. Off-hour times can be scheduled on a 24/7 basis including times when only key card access to our building is available.
For those who seek a higher level of privacy keeping anonymity to all except for Dr. DeSarbo and/or team clinicians who are given permission.
Other Services:
Consultation for performance enhancement in athletics, academics, entertainment, business, politics and life. Treatment of general psychiatric conditions including depression, anxiety, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive
Consulting services are helpful for:
Other treatment providers who may not be specialists or who seek a consultation for additional recommendations for treatment care.
Clients who seek privacy and anonymity with treatment.
Client’s and families who do not have access to specialists in their area for an accurate assessment of a condition and diagnosis or development of a treatment plan.
Client’s and families who seek a second opinion for diagnosis or treatment recommendations to improve recovery for difficult cases and to have a better understanding of a client’s condition.
NOTE: This service is of a consulting nature and does not represent a physician-patient relationship. Dr. DeSarbo’s assessment is for recommendations that may be considered by a client’s treatment team and the final report will be released to the client’s treatment professionals who will oversee care and make final treatment decisions. Treatment may be provided dependent upon licensing regulations in the state or country.
“The Comprehensive Consult”

As a physician, psychiatrist and eating disorder specialist, Dr. DeSarbo will conduct a thorough intake and comprehensive work-up and provide a comprehensive full consult regarding the medical, psychiatric, nutritional, social and environmental assesment of a client’s condition. The consult includes:
Direct contact and interviews with Dr. DeSarbo. The initial intake interview is primarily information gathering and a “get-to-know-you” meeting. Subsequent meetings are to explore and assess the cognative-behavioral, existential and psychodynamic aspects of a clients’s condition.
Psychological testing including the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) III and other psychological and cognitative tests such as the Beck’s Depression Inventory (BDI), the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A), Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Rating Scale (MRS), Longitudunal Interval Follow-Up Evaluation – Range of Impaired Functioning Tool (LIFE-RIFT), Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q), Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation Scale, Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the and other psychological tests that may be of benefit.
Request/obtain necessary blood work and laboratory tests, EKG, bone scans, and other other imaging work that may be beneficial to treatment planning. A physical exam from either the client’s primary care physician or by one of our EDMG internists or pediatricians along with a report is required.
A medical-nutritional intake and analysis (conducted on-line or in-person) by Dr. DeSarbo or one of his nutritionists will be conducted to asses dietary and exercise behaviors to determine the overall impact on health and recovery. Recommendations for a suitable dietary and exercise plan will be included with the report.
Family interviews (on-line or in-person) may be included, where appropriate and with the client’s permission, for additional information. Family sessions are also valuable to educate family members regarding the true nature of an eating disorder, expectations for treatment, ways to provide family support, and treatment options.
A finalized treatment plan consult with the client to discuss diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment recommendations given in the formal written report an includes but is not limited to:
Therapy approach and goals.
Type and frequency of individual, group, and/or family therapy.
Theoretical insight into the cause of onset and factors that perpetuate the eating disorder.
Possible medications, vitamins or supplements that may stabilize health and mental well-being to support the recovery process.
Medical follow-up recommendations including “red flag” symptoms or findings that will require special physician monitoring.
A finalized treatment plan consult with the client to discuss diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment recommendations given in the formal written report an includes but is not limited to:
A meal/exercise plan and approach that will likely work best for the client in a manner that is nutritionally and medically safe, and tolerable with realistic goals.
Recommendations regarding medications, medical treatments, therapies, interpersonal dialogues, nutritional approaches, environmental influences and other factors to be avoided or that could compromise treatment.
The Consult Process
Step 1 – An initial 30 minute telephone consult with Dr. DeSarbo is arranged to breifly discuss a client’s case and expectations of a complete consult. This initial consult is to determine suitability for the consult and to briefly answer any questions about the consult process.
Step 2 – An Eating Disorder Medical Group (EDMG) intake packet is sent to the patient with program directions, informational intake forms, medical and treatment team releases, psychological tests to be completed.
Step 3 – In-person interview and intake conducted with Dr. DeSarbo and possibly other EDMG professionals for initial assesment. Overnight stays for out-of-town client’s and family can be arraged through our office.
Step 4 – Up to 12 hours of follow-up consultations by telephone, and/or video conferencing and/or in-person for additional assessment and review of findings conduted over 2 week period.
Step 5 – Final report with findings and treatment recommendations reviewed with client and sent to the client’s treatment team for review and implementation as determined by the client’s treatment providers.
Copies of the final treatment report will be provided to the client’s treatment team and follow-up consultations with providers will be arranged to discuss these findings and recommendations.